Hello Dizntra ,Elzbieta and Dear Students;
How was the site, have shortcomings?
Topic: Our Project
Date: 30/10/2011
Subject: How was the site, have shortcomings?
New comment
Bayburt is the provincial coordinator of etwinning, etwininig with representatives of our school, "informational" meeting
made at the introduction of our project and our digiscience
With the English teacher's participation in the center of Bayburt Province it is expressed to them how to prepare an ETwinning Project as an example “digsicience Project” and also emphasized the affects and gains at student-teacher and education.
Furthermore the students will gain communicate mutual, be aware of different cultures
thoughts and develop what they will learn at the school.
It is told to the students how to use different materials and develop experiments, knowledge and emotions. It is emphasized that they will compare different teaching methods at physics and they will use it when they prepare learning object after all.
Ibrahim ,
Turkey (Bayburt)
The class the most active in project
This is the class of our school the most active in project "Digiscience" It is secondry class for cooks of Secondry Gaastronomic School ,Gorzów Wielkopolski . They made a lot of presentation and experiments.They learned and well enjoyed ourselves by them.-Elzbieta(Gorzów Wielkopolski-Poland)